


Matters needing attention in the process of bulb dyeing

作者:点胶技术分析   日期:2018-09-10 21:01   浏览:

  Using circular lamp holder dispensing machine to dispensing bulb lamp will cause dispensing problems due to the selection of dispensing needle and inaccurate alignment, and these problems are matters needing attention in the production of bulb lamp.
Notes for rubber dispensing of circular dispensers

  Circular lampholder dispensing machine for dispensing circular products

  The circular lamp holder dispensing machine is widely used to finish the production work in the spherical bulb lamp dispensing links. The circular lamp holder dispensing machine mainly produces circular products. This is related to its dispensing work path. If the circular dispensing machine is used to dispensing work in other working paths, the effect is very difficult. To achieve product production needs, so this is a novice need to know before the operation of the rubber note. The selection of dispensing needle is the most likely to cause hair glue problems, and it is also one of the matters needing attention when choosing the sticking dispensing needle for circular lamp holder dispensing machine.
Circular lampholder dispensing machine

  Selection of dispensing needles

  There are many kinds of dispensing needles on the dispensing market. The common ones are stainless steel needles, buckle dispensing needles, bending needles and so on. Stainless steel needle can be reused, but in the process of gluing bulb lamp, the setting of glue dispensing distance is not good because of the glue dispensing distance and other reasons, causing glue problems. If this needle is used in the round lamp dispensing machine, then the setting of glue dispensing distance is the most important thing to pay attention to. Plastic material is made, although can only be used once, but the use of this dispensing needle can be well fixed in the round lamp holder dispensing machine, and in the process of gluing bulbs will not appear scratch product problems, in the round dispensing machine is more widely used; dispensing bending needle is not suitable for circular lamp The application of the glue dispenser will affect the quality of the bulb.
Selection of fastener dispensing needles
  The selection of dispensing needle is the most important thing to pay attention to in the use of circular dispensing machine. In the process of selecting the sticker dispensing needle, if the model is not matched, it is easy to occur air leakage and other dispensing problems, affecting the normal operation of circular lamp holder dispensing machine.