


LED dispensing needs dispensing valve

作者:admin   日期:2017-10-16 18:14   浏览:

Stable LED dispensing machine works, and good surface finish, with acid and alkali corrosion resistance ability, and dispensing effect is good, so in addition to the application of LED is applied to the glass glue dispensing dispensing and other related links, of course, need the dispensing valve is equipped with a special, here are some commonly used LED dispenser dispensing valve.
Electromagnetic dispensing valve is LED dispensing machine often equipped with dispensing valve, this one-way safety valve in the implementation of the work is more convenient and stable, applicability and safety is also relatively high. The product is made of stainless steel, and the configuration of the isolation membrane to separate the strong acid and other highly corrosive substances, the installation should pay attention to choose a higher level of explosion-proof electromagnetic dispensing, because LED dispensing machine working pressure, if the poor quality of the electromagnetic valves are prone to cracking, the general work should be careful not to exceed the maximum working pressure.
Not only can be used in the LED chip package, the adhesive work in other large objects can also be used in the dispensing machine, because of the need for a large area on the glue that can configure the jet dispensing valve, jet dispensing valve can be used in high viscosity glue dispensing, due to the use of the non-contact dispensing, can save contact methods forth this action, more common in some high yield production demand, the glue area is large and the working time is short, not because of glue and influence the accuracy and other characteristics, but also LED glue dispensing valve commonly used.
The work function of dispensing dispensing valve support from different manufacturers are different, in terms of LED dispenser dispensing work support control valve not only solenoid valve and the injection valve, some commonly used pneumatic control valve can assembly application.